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Notes/Transcript - Page 17


Panel 1: On the foreground, a boy is seen from behind with his arms on wooden railings, looking down on a large inner courtyard surrounded by stone walls. In the courtyard, several other people are seen in groups chatting. Some dummy training targets, barrels, and fences are placed in different parts of the courtyard.

  • Caption: “Agenes Village, Training Grounds”
  • Student A: “Is that him?
  • Student B: “I think he’s the one who fired the flare.”
  • Student C: “Why would Kyoji bring him here?”

Panel 2: Profile view of a group of 4 students standing on the left, facing Kyoji to the right, who is walking towards them.

  • Kyoji: “I brought him here to train with us.”
  • Student D: “But… isn’t he one of them?”

Panel 3: Front view of Kyoji in the center, half turned around to the students who are now behind him looking at him with expressions of mild surprise and confusion.

  • Student D: “A Venthaal?”
  • Kyoji: “Yes. And so was I, and you parents, and everyone who built this village that we call home.”

Panel 4: Front view of the boy on the wooden railings, staring down looking reluctant.

  • Kyoji: (from outside panel) “Falon, come on down here, boy.”

Panel 5: Side view of the whole group. Falon on the left walks towards Kyoji on the right, who faces the boy. The group of students stands behind Kyoji looking at them both.

  • Kyoji: “Before you start training with us, you will hear where we come from and why we are here. Your classmates here apparently need a reminder themselves anyways.”